Legal notice

Responsible for handling data

This legal notice and information regulates the use of the Internet portal service under the domain:

In accordance with the information specified by the law LA 34/2002, of 11 of July, of Services of the Society of Information and Electronic Business, we notice you that the present website is the ownership of:

ALBA SERVEIS EDUCATIUS, SLU (Treatment manager), CIF / NIF: B60281854, Registered office: CTRA. D’OLOT, Nº 29 – 17850 – BESALÚ (GIRONA). Registered in the Commercial Registry: Commercial register of Girona, Volume 1417, Page 23, Sheet GI 23929, Registration 7, Date 28 of march of 2018.

Contact information:

Phone number: 972590507



The responsible makes available to the users the present document which pretends to give compliment of the established by law in terms of data protection, and in the context of the new regulatory framework, by virtue of the Regulation (UE) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and the Council, the 27 of April of 2016, relative to the protection of natural persons related to the treatment of data protection and the free movement of that (hereinafter, the “RGPD”), and the national legislation Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, on the Protection of Personal Data and Guarantee of Digital Rights (hereinafter, the “LOPDGDD”), as well as informing all users of the website regarding which are the conditions of use of it.

All who get in this website plays the role of user, committed to the observance and a rigorous compliment of the provisions, as well as any other legal provision out of the application.

The Leader reserves the right to change any type of information which could appear in the website, without the obligation of notice or make known users some obligations, having enough with the publication on the website of the Leader.


The Responsible waive of any type of responsibility derived from information published on the Website, as long as this information is manipulated or introduces for a third alien the same.

IP Addresses

The servers of the websites will be able to detect automatically the IP address and the domain name used by the user.

An IP address is a number automatically assigned to a computer when it connects to internet. All this information is registered to a file of activity of the server, duly registered, which permits the further processing of data with the finality of obtain statistics which permit to get known the number of foil impressions, the visit number executed at the web servers, the order of the visits, the point of access, etc.

Linking policy

From this present website is possible to be rederived to contents of third websites. Considering that The Responsible can not control always the introduced contents from the thirds in his website, that one doesn’t assume any type of responsibility respect mentioned contents. In any case, the Responsible manifests that will proceed to the immediate removal of any content that could contravene the national legislation or international, the morale or the public order, proceeding to the immediate removal at the website, putting that knowledge to authorities competent the content talked.

The Responsible is not responsible of the information and contents saved, illustrating title but not limited, to forums, chats, blogs generators, comments, social media or any other type that could allow third persons to share contents in an independent way, to the website of the responsible. However, and in compliment of what is said in the art. 11 and 16 of the LSSICE, the Responsible puts able to all the users, authorities and security forces, participating actively to the retire or in that case to the lock of all that contents which could affect or contravene the national legislation, or international, the rights of thirds or the morale and the public order. In case the user consider there is in this website any content that could be susceptible of that classification, please notice that immediately to the administrator of the website.

This website has been revised and proved so that it works correctly. Originally, it can work all the year, the 24 hours of the day. However, the leader don’t discard the possibility that could exist some program errors, or that had major forces, natural catastrophes , strike, or similar circumstances that could make possible the website.

Data protection

The Responsible had to be fulfill to what is said in the current regulations in terms of data protection, and in context of the new policy framework established by virtue of the regulation (UE) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and the council, the 27 April of 2016, related to de protection of the natural persons in what respects the treatment of personal data and the free circulation of that data (from now on, the “RGPD”), and the Constitutional Law 3/2018, of the 5 of December, of Data Protection and the Guarantee of the Digital Rights (from now on, the “LOPDGDD”).

Also, the Responsible inform that gives compliment to the law 34/2002 of the 11 of July, of Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, and he will request his consent to the treatment of his data with commercial fines in every moment.

Intellectual and industrial property

The website, including the informative title but not limitative its programming, edition, compilation and other necessary elements for its work, the design, logotypes, texts and graphics are property of the Responsible or in his case provides of a, express license or authorization for on the part of the authors.

All the contents of the website are protected for the normative of the intellectual and industrial property.

Independently of the finality for which are aimed, the total reproduction or partial, use, croft, distribution and commercialization, it requires in all cases the previous written authorization from the Responsible. Any use unauthorized previously for the Responsible it will be considered a serious breach of the rights of the intellectual property or industrial of the author.

The designs, logotypes, texts and graphics alien to the provide and that could appear in the website, they belong to their respective owners, being them responsible of any possible dispute that could arise respect themselves.

The Responsible authorize expressly that thirds could redirect directly to particular content of the website, having in any event to redirect the principal page of the leader website.

The Responsible recognizes in favor of his holders the corresponding rights of intellectual and industrial property, not involving his own mention or the appearance in the website the existence of rights or responsibility of the leader of themselves, like neither support, sponsorship or recommendation for his part.

For all those images in where the design software allows it, the corresponding references are include at the authorship and the license corresponding.

To make any kind of observation regarding possible breaches of intellectual or industrial property rights, as well as any of the contents of the website, you can do so in writing or email indicated in the heading.


The leader has recruited for its website a SSL certificate (“Secure Sockets Layer”).

A SSL certificate allows to protect all the personal information and confidential that could be managed in a website, independently of the information that is being transmitted, like for example, from any of the contact form of the website until the server, or introduced data for the newsletter subscribed of notices or accesses to protect areas, etc.

The website direction will appear in green, activating the protocol “https” that allows secure connections from a web server to the navigator of the user.